
Turnonthespeedometertoseehowfastyou'redriving.Ifyougooverthespeedlimit,thespeedometerwillturnredandyou'llgetanalert.,2023年12月22日—UsersoftheHEREnavigationtoolcanuseittogetwarningsabouttheirspeedandkeepwithinthelimitwhenusingittoplanroutes.,,MapsSpeedLimitsshowsthecurrentspeedlimitontopofanyapp.Itautomaticallydetectswhenanyappofyourchoiceisactiveandshowsanelegantoverlay ...,SpeedAdviserusesth...

Get speed limit alerts

Turn on the speedometer to see how fast you're driving. If you go over the speed limit, the speedometer will turn red and you'll get an alert.

HERE WeGo can help you comply with the speed limit

2023年12月22日 — Users of the HERE navigation tool can use it to get warnings about their speed and keep within the limit when using it to plan routes.

Maps Speed Limits

Maps Speed Limits shows the current speed limit on top of any app. It automatically detects when any app of your choice is active and shows an elegant overlay ...

Speed Adviser

Speed Adviser uses the GPS on your phone to monitor your location and speed. It alerts you with visual and audible warnings if you exceed the speed limit. Speed ...

Speed Limits - Sygic GPS Navigation

Knowing the speed limits is extremely important, but sometimes it gets difficult to keep track of the current speed limit. Luckily, Sygic GPS Navigation ...

在App Store 上的「Speed Limit Alarm」

2023年8月16日 — Speed Limit Alarm is a very unique application which allows you to set multiple speed alarms with a variety of alarm sound options so you ...

在App Store 上的「Speedometer

2024年1月31日 — Speedometer is the speed limit alert device that will alert you if you are in over speeding. Set the speed limit for yourself while driving ...


We are a free software, and we also provide free updates for the photo point information. But our photo point update speed is not sloppy at all , ...